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Andrei Nikonorov

Andrei Nikonorov

Andrei Nikonorov

Moscow, Russia

Calligrapher, art editor


Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Printing.


- A triennial, St. Petersburg, 2014.

Author works

N.I. Kostamarov ‘Epiphany Slavinetsky and Simeon Polotsky’

Paper, ink, gouache, pen, 50x70 cm, 2014.


Paper, ink, pen, 32.5x50 cm, 2014.

Memories of Leonardo

Craft paper, gouache, Chinese ink, broad nib, graphite pencil. Cyrillic script reworked based on 16th century Leonardo Da Vinci's script, 420 x 585 mm, 2016

From the Remote Past

Colour paper, gouache, broad and pointed nibs. Uncial and half-uncial 17th century cursive script, 500 x 550 mm, 2016

N. Kostomarov. Feofan Prokopovich

Colour paper, gouache, broad nib. Early 18th century masted cursive script. 325 x 500 mm, 2016
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Exhibition opens in 1633 days
Words Of Wisdom
For the largest part ill handwriting in the world is caused by hurry.
(Lewis Carroll)