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Mateo Kyu Lee

Mateo  Kyu Lee

Mateo Kyu Lee

San Francisco, USA

Calligrapher, Professor of Systematic Theology, teacher of Asian calligraphy

About calligraphy

Work of the hand of a human being naturally explains his mind. It is his nature and his personality. Others who look at his work can understand his mind and his soul. I see no differences between Chinese and other oriental calligraphy, except for the different letter shapes brought about by the brush and the ink on white paper.

Everything works the same way to express the same feeling, the same letter shapes and the same appearance. Understand nature and the work: nobody can deceive in the calligraphic medium.

Author works

Love and Peace

Ink calligraphy on yellow textured paper, 42х58,8 cm.

Love and Grace

Ink calligraphy on textured paper, 42х58,8 cm.

Romans 12:18

Ink calligraphy on layred paper, 42х58,8 cm.


Ink on paper, 2000

Circle Motif

Ink on paper, 2009


Scroll, 34x118 cm, with porcelain endpieces, 2002

Fear Thou Not

Scroll, 30x100 cm, ink on paper
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Exhibition opens in 1652 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is a remedy and mental gymnastics.