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Leonid Pronenko

Leonid  Pronenko

Leonid Pronenko

Krasnodar, Russia

Calligrapher, Professor, Artist Emeritus of the Russian Federation


Born in the Staronizhestebliyevskaya stanitsa, Krasnodar Krai, in 1939. Having finished a secondary school, he worked as an unskilled worker, stevedore, turbine operator and he did military service in the Soviet Army for three years.

In 1970, he graduated from the Kuban State University, Department of Graphic Art, where he has worked ever since.

He has taken part in regional and all-union exhibitions since 1979.

Participated in 20 international exhibitions (USSR, USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Germany, and Yugoslavia).

Prize-winner of international calligraphy contests.

Participated in the Mosaic International Assembly of Artists (USA, 1992) where he conducted lectures and workshops.

By invitation of US artists, he gave talks on the Kuban script in: Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and New York.

Winner of the first regional contest/exhibition devoted to the 200th anniversary of Krasnodar (1993).

Winner of the K.V. Rossinsky Culture and Art Award of the Krasnodar Krai Administration (1997).

Articles illustrated by Mr. Pronenko were published in such magazines as The Young Artist (a series of articles), In the Book World. More than forty creative works were published in the most prestigious foreign editions. His creative works were also published in The Sky of Kuban (2002) and The Airports of the South (2007) magazines.

He is a holder of the 2nd Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments Certificate for development of a book on the art of script – Script– Alphabet – Letter (Moscow, 2002). He received the academic rank of Associate Professor in 1991.

He was awarded Worker Emeritus of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation badge in 2000.

He received the honorary title of the Artist Emeritus of the Russian Federation in 2000.
He received the academic rank of professor in 2003.

L.I. Pronenko is the author of a richly illustrated monography – Calligraphy for Everybody – that is renowned outside the CIS (The Kniga Publishing House, Moscow, 1990).

Author works

"Alexander" composition

Paper, gouache, broad-nib pens, flat brushes, sharp-pointed nib brushes, 37x44 cm, 1980

Conversation with Calligraphy

Paper, flat brush, broad-nib pen, gouache, watercolor, paper, 69x58 cm, 2008

El Dorado (after El Dorado by Edgar Poe)

Flat brushes, gouache, air brush, paper,69x69 cm, 2008.

Calligraphy for Everybody

Kniga Publishing House, Moscow, 1990

Russian Calligraphy

Published by Operina LLC, 2007

Calligraphy for Everybody (2011)

Artemy Lebedev Studio, Moscow, 2011

A Quote from the Gospel According to St. Matthew

Broad pen, paper, ink, 49х55 cm, 2014
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Exhibition opens in 1652 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of both ideal writing and an ideal soul.