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Yekaterina Zarkh

Yekaterina Zarkh

Yekaterina Zarkh

St. Petersburg, Russia

Calligrapher, graphic artist, graphic designer

My Calligraphy

A poem drawing

Once, all of a sudden I was captured by the desire — which I immediately realized — to draw my poem with the words of that very poem. To voice a thought and feeling to draw them with the letters of the words.
Thus, the graphic form was determined. This form is harmonic for me because of its author’s independence, for I am writing my own texts. It is something like “graphic songs”.

In the context of the form calligraphy is the movement of feeling, sense and rhythm which steps beyond the exterior space leaving a trace on paper, which can be a sign, symbol, image or an abstract drawing.

A poem as a reason or message.
The energy of poetic rhythm gives the rhythm to letters and words. The interior state — via a movement of hand and feeling of a pen – determine the character of lines.
The movement doesn’t care if the letters are legible. The movement is free and unpredictable, sometimes ruining the beauty and neatness, is plunged into the expressive chaos to get there a new meaning and regularity.
Drawing my own poems gives me unlimited freedom.

Black-and-white accords.

Transparence and contrast of verbal agglomeration.
Uncertainty and precision.

Rivers and branches of black ink.
The infinite sky of white paper.

Black line. White verse.

Ekaterina Zarkh

Author works

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed. Part 1

Triptych. Paper, ink, sharp-pointed nib pen, 61х86 сm (each part), 2010

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed. Part 2

Triptych. Paper, ink, sharp-pointed nib pen, 61х86 сm (each part), 2010

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed. Part 3

Triptych. Paper, ink, sharp-pointed nib pen, 61х86 сm (each part), 2010

Among the Sounds of Letters

Paper, ink, pen, poem “Here it is, the Sun…”, 40x50 cm, 2009

Sun is the Horse

Paper, ink, pen, 42x50 cm, 2009

Beyond the Circle

Paper, ink, pen, poem “Golden legged autumn’s copper ”, 42x60 cm, 2003

Abundance of the Heart

Paper, ink, pen, poem “Golden legged autumn’s copper”, 42x60 cm, 2006

St. Isaac Cathedral

Paper, ink, pen, 42x60 cm, 2004.
Poem “Cathedral”.

The Fire, the Water and the Unsent Letters (1st page of a polyptych)

Paper, ink, pointed nib, 395 x 595 mm, 2017.

The Fire, the Water and the Unsent Letters (2nd page of a polyptych)

Paper, ink, pointed nib, 395 x 595 mm, 2017

The Fire, the Water and the Unsent Letters (3rd page of a polyptych)

Central page – collage, 395 x 595 mm, 2017

The Fire, the Water and the Unsent Letters (4th page of a polyptych)

Paper, ink, pointed nib, 395 x 595 mm, 2017

The Fire, the Water and the Unsent Letters (5th page of a polyptych)

Paper, ink, pointed nib, 395 x 595 mm, 2017

The Sun Touched

Paper, nib, ink, 400 x 500 mm, 2017
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Exhibition opens in 1645 days
Words Of Wisdom
When there are no words left, the meaning is still preserved.