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Yegor Lobusov

Yegor Lobusov

Yegor Lobusov

Moscow, Russia

Calligrapher, doctor


Full name Yegor Lobusov

Profession Doctor

Place of work Basargino, Educational and Health centre

Date of birth November 20, 1973

Author works

Meditation on Change

Twin inscription.
Right inscription: “Three gives birth to all things”.
Left inscription: “Tao follows its own model”.
Water color paper, Chinese ink, vermillion, kolinsky sable pen, 42х29.7 cm, 2010

Tao follows itself

Paper, Chinese ink, goat hair brush, 33х58 cm, 2008


Canvas, ink, 26x52.5 cm, 2012
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Exhibition opens in 1651 day
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of deliberate hieroglyphic corruption and transformation in order to reach natural harmony.