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Diana Bychkova

Diana  Bychkova

Diana Bychkova

Milan, Italy

Calligrapher, graphic artist, illustrator, and publisher

The magic beauty of calligraphy

The beauty of calligraphy lies in: the ability to write poetic or metaphorical lines; to carefully draw calligraphic words and sounds delivering the meaning and the emotional content of a text with the help of a specifically chosen or developed type style; to keep in one’s imagination a composition of the whole page; not losing sight of the integrity of the final results; last but not least it lies in that delight that you get when writing each and every letter drawing in detail all upper and lower elements to fill the emptiness between the lines…

There is a set expression “Read between the lines”, which comes to bear a particular, let’s say a 3-D, meaning in this context, when a semantic meaning (i.e. a piece of literature) together with calligraphy produces something else, something that is left behind the scenes or in the unconscious of a reader.

There are times when calligraphic patterns blend with the semantic meaning to become avid and clear. Metaphorically, they remind us of a pendulum knocking and telling the hour. Sometimes we hear this knocking; sometimes it breaks and disperses to amalgamate with your thoughts. Still further, we know that it does exist. We know that time remains an integral part of our being, while calligraphy is a vital part of book graphics.

Author works

Silence. Fairy tale for adults by Oleg Prihodko.

Paper, ink, stick, etching on zinc, 27х40 cm, 2007—2009

Silence. Fairy tale for adults by Oleg Prihodko.

Paper, ink, stick, etching on zinc, 27х40 cm, 2007—2009.

Silence. Fairy tale for adults by Oleg Prihodko. Binding.

Different types of colored paper, leather spine, ink, stick, paper application, 27х40 cm, 2007—2009
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Exhibition opens in 1652 days
Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of deliberate hieroglyphic corruption and transformation in order to reach natural harmony.