RU 中文 

Chen Wenfu

Chen  Wenfu

Chen Wenfu


Calligrapher — continuator of a great dynasty of Chinese calligraphers, member of the Chinese Scientific Union of Antithetical Couplets

Cognitive calligraphy

The brush as a tool for writing hieroglyphs had been widely used in China till the 1950“s and almost every schoolchild was supposed to bring a brush and ink to classes. Studying hieroglyph writing was a statutory lesson in the junior school but not every pupil continued studying calligraphy later or became a calligrapher. That’s because penmanship and calligraphy are not the same thing. Ordinary penmanship consists in learning to write hieroglyphs clearly, correctly and recognizably. But calligraphy presents higher requirements. A calligrapher, mastering the technique and skills of hieroglyph writing, expresses his thoughts and feelings according to his understanding of the consent of writing. He should “infect” spectators with his work and cause excitement with that beauty in them – and that is called calligraphy. Otherwise it is nothing more than just hieroglyph writing.

Calligraphy closely interacts with other types of art. This interaction may be direct or indirect. For instance; there is a direct, close and inseparable link between calligraphy and conventional Chinese painting. The picture of the conventional Chinese painting is not “conventionally Chinese” without calligraphic elements.

I am deeply fond of conventional Chinese culture and art (including painting, poetry, double signatures, engraving of printing, music, theater, language, writing etc.), so my fancy for Chinese calligraphy is quite natural. Studies of the Chinese culture helped me understand calligraphy and I often plunge into the atmosphere of this art and feel enormous satisfaction and rapture.

Author works

Flight to the Sky

Rice paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 35x70 cm, 2008

Antithetical Couplet

rice paper, chinese black ink, brush, 2008

Tao-Te-Ching, Taoist scripture.

Rice paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 19x28,5 cm, 2008

Tao-Te-Ching, Taoist scripture

Rice paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 19x28.5 cm, 2008

Tao-Te-Ching, Taoist scripture

Rice paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 19x28,5 cm, 2008

Tao-Te-Ching, Taoist scripture

Rice paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 19x28,5 cm, 2008

Stretch Your Wings and Fly to the Sky

Wooden plate, Chinese black ink, brush, 2008

Nan Ting Xiu

rice paper, chinese black ink, brush, 2008

Seven-word eight-line stanza

Rice paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 35x70 cm, 2008

Great Cause for One Thousand Years

Rice-paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 69x69 cm, 2009

Graceful (it is devoted to daughter Xia Qing)

Rice-paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 52x137 cm, 2009

Fan face sheet "In the spring flowers blossom, in the autumn fruits ripen"

Rice-paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 121x45 cm, 2009

As Heaven is powerful, so a noble man should also manifest his willpower; as Earth bear everything in itself, so a noble man should always manifest virtue in every deed.

Rice-paper, Chinese black ink, brush, 137x69 cm, 2009
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Words Of Wisdom
When there are no words left, the meaning is still preserved.