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Bas Vlam

Bas  Vlam

Bas Vlam

Florveg, Norway



Founder and present Chairman of Kalligrafisk klubb (Calligraphic club) (Norway), SSI and CLAS (United Kingdom)

He attended workshops with: Donald Jackson, Jean Larcher, Gaynor Goffe, Astrid Scholten, Peter Thornton and Denis Brown. He studied at Digby Stuart College under Ann Camp in 1989.

In 1986 he opened his own studio. Bas participates actively in various exhibitions and teaches calligraphy.

Author works

"Beatus Vir" ("Blessed are those who...")

Hand-made paper, Gouache, gold-leaf, nibs and brushes, 40x50 cm, 2010

Psalm 23

Lithography, ink, silver gouache, 25x50cm, 2007


Automatic pen, gouache, 25x35 cm, 2009

Pater Noster

Mitchell nibs, brushes, ink, gouache and gold leaf, 20x25 cm, 2009


Typographical printout, inscription is made by sharp-pointed nib pens, black and red ink, 29x42 cm, 2010

Il caffé

Il caffé is a quotation in Italian on how good coffee should be, with an image of famous coffeemakers behind the words.
Inks and nibs on Sennelier HP paper, 38x28.5 cm, 2012


Kandinsky is about lettering and what it means to us.
Gouache, leaf gold, nibs and brushes on Fabriano Roma paper, 37.5x30 cm, 2012

Karin Boye

Karin Boye is a Swedish poetess, who wrote wonderful lines about the life variable and evolving.

Mixed media on Saunders Waterford HP paper, 30x37.5 cm, 2012
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Exhibition opens in 1665 days
Words Of Wisdom
For the largest part ill handwriting in the world is caused by hurry.
(Lewis Carroll)