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Business programme of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy — Moscow, 2008

December 10, Wednesday

11.00 - 11.40 am             
Expression through letters. Manohar Desai (Calligrapher – India)
1.00 - 1.40 pm Master-class for children and their parents. Anatoly Moschelkov (Graphic designer, calligrapher – Moscow, Russia)
3.00 - 3.40 pm Calligraphy influences the personality formation. Chen Wen-Fu (Member of the Chinese scientific union of paired signs – China)
5.00 - 5.40 pm Kosher calligraphy.  Avraham-Hersh Borshevsky (Hebrew scribe and illuminator – Israel, Jerusalem). The master class is organized with participation of Israeli Cultural Centre in Moscow


December 11, Thursday

1.00 - 1.40 pm            
Expression through letters. Manohar Desai (Calligrapher – India)
3.00 - 3.40 pm Calligraphy and graphology, ideal in reality: together or apart?  Larisa Drygval (Graphologist – Russia, Moscow)
5.00 - 5.40 pm Calligraphy influencing the psychological and physiological traits. Chen Wen-Fu (Member of the Chinese scientific union of paired signs – China)


December 12, Friday

11.00 - 11.40 am             
Truisms.  Avraham-Hersh Borshevsky (Hebrew scribe and illuminator – Israel, Jerusalem). The master class is organized with participation of Israeli Cultural Centre in Moscow
1.00 - 1.40 pm Calligraphy influences the personality formation. Chen Wen-Fu (Member of the Chinese scientific union of paired signs – China)
3.00 - 3.40 pm What a letter can tell. Larisa Drygval (Graphologist – Russia, Moscow)
5.00 - 5.40 pm Alphabet history.  Evgeny Dobrovinsky (Member of the Union of artists, member of the Union of Russian designers, academician of the Academy of graphic design)


December 13, Saturday

11.00 - 11.40 am              
Classic and contemporary calligraphy. Georgy Kozubov (Candidate in Art Studies, Professor, member of the Russian Union of Artists – Moscow, Russia)
1.00 - 1.40 pm Wall whispers: trompe l'oeil and calligraphy. Andrea Wunderlich (Calligrapher, graphic designer), Volker Thomas Wunderlich (Painter, teacher) - Goldkronach, Germany
2.00 - 2.40 pm Calligraphy gamma as the first principle of the art of calligraphy. Petr Chobitko (Artist-calligrapher – St.Petersburg, Russia)
3.00 - 3.40 pm Calligraphy and graphology, ideal in reality: together or apart? Larisa Drygval (Graphologist – Russia, Moscow)
5.00 - 5.40 pm Calligraphy influencing the psychological and physiological traits. Chen Wen-Fu (Member of the Chinese scientific union of paired signs – China)

December 14, Sunday

11.00 - 11.40 am              
Calligraphy influences the personality formation. Chen Wen-Fu (Member of the Chinese scientific union of paired signs – China)
12.00 - 12.40 pm Kosher calligraphy.  Avraham-Hersh Borshevsky (Hebrew scribe and illuminator – Israel, Jerusalem). The master class is organized with participation of Israeli Cultural Centre in Moscow
1.00 - 1.40 pm Easel and applied calligraphy. Georgy Kozubov (Candidate in Art Studies, Professor, member of the Russian Union of Artists – Moscow, Russia)
2.00 - 2.40 pm How instruments influence expressive means of calligraphy. Petr Chobitko (Artist-calligrapher – St.Petersburg, Russia)
3.00 - 3.40 pm What a letter can tell. Larisa Drygval (Graphologist – Russia, Moscow)
4.00 - 4.40 pm Expression through letters. Manohar Desai (Calligrapher – India)
5.00 - 5.40 pm Master-class for children and their parents.  Evgeny Dobrovinsky (Member of the Union of artists, member of the Union of Russian designers, academician of the Academy of graphic design)



Exhibition opens in 1586 days