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Spiritual world leaders

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Berel Lazar

Born in 1964.

Chief Rabbi of Russia from the FJCR. Member of the Public Chamber. He was decorated with the Order of Friendship.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Ravil Gaynutdin

Born in 1959.

Mufti sheikh, Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of European Russia. Member of the Public Chamber. He was decorated with the Order of Friendship.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Dalai Lama XIV (Tenzin Gyatso)

Родился в 1935 г.

Spiritual leader of Buddhists of Tibet, Mongolia, Buryat-Mongolia, Tuva, Kalmykia. 1989 Nobel Pease Prize winner “for his consistent advocacy of kind-heartedness, love and tolerance in relations of people, communities and peoples”.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Chandra Mohan Rajneesh (Osho)


Well-known Indian religious leader, founder of the mystic doctrine, from the beginning of the 1970s in better known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, and later as Osho or Ravshan. He preached his own doctrine aimed at free and happy life of people, struggle against prejudices, false values of society, bureaucratic state, bureaucratized church believes, spiritual impoverishment of family way of life. He developed numerous new meditation systems and established the system of ashrams in many countries. Over 600 books in 20 languages were published under his name, presenting records of his conversations.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Patriarch Alexy II

Born in 1929.

Secular name – Alexey Mikhailovich Ridiger. Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church. From June 10, 1990 – 15th Patriarch of Moscow and of All-Russia and the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Full member of the Russian Academy of Education. He was decorated with numerous governmental and church awards.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Martin Luther King, Jr.


American Baptist preacher, bright public speaker, leader of non-violent resistance against racism. Winner of the 1964 Noble Peace Prize “for activities for equality of the black people”. Third Monday of January is the USA national holiday – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Benedict VI (Pope)

Born in 1927.

Secular name – Joseph Alois Ratzinger, the 265th Pope since April 19, 2005. The first Pope since Paul IV (XVIth century) who was elected being the Dean of the College of Cardinal, first cardinal bishop elected Pope since Pius VIII, first elected Pope since Benedict XIII having been cardinal before election for a long time (28 years). Benedict XVI became the eldest Pope at the moment of election since Clement XII (XVIIIth century).

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Mother Theresa


Secular name – Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. Catholic nun well-known for her charitable activities. Winner of the 1979 Noble Peace Prize “for activity in service to sufferers”. In October 2003 she was beatified by the Catholic Church.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Menachem Mendel Schneerson


Seventh and the last of Lubavitch (Chabad) rebbes. One of the most prominent fidures of the XXth century. Many of his followers do not recognize his physical death and believe him to be a messiah. He promoted dissemination of Judaism all over the world.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Ellen White


Unofficial ideological reformer and organizer of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Ellen White paid the most serious attention to the issue of church organization, creation of a single administrative body, worked tirelessly in the name of the Church. She is an author of numerous literary works.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Joseph Smith, Jr.


American religious leader, founder and first president of the Mormon Church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). He taught that his church is the only true church; that God, through him, reinstated the ancient priesthood which died in the secular world in the result of human perversity. In his church the Bible was honored as a holy book but he affirmed that his translations of ancient writs, the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price were also divine writs. The total number of Joseph Smith, Jr., followers is about 13 million of people.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

John Wesley


English Protestant preacher and reformer, minister, one of founders of Methodism. In 1729 together with his brother Charles and 15 other students he founded the Holy Club: they were called Methodists for their quiet and correct temper. Later on he organized societies of his followers, than the movement spread to small towns and rural areas.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

John Calvin


French theologian, church reformer, founder of Calvinism, one of Protestantism direction. Literary heritage of John Calvin remains topical nowadays as well.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Martin Luther


Great founder and leader of Protestant Reformation in Germany, founder of German Protestantism (Lutheranism), translator of the Bible to German. Among main motives of his theology is salvation through faith only. He declared the idea of independence of secular state from the Catholic Church.

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Words Of Wisdom
Calligraphy is the art of deliberate hieroglyphic corruption and transformation in order to reach natural harmony.