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Artistic and Graphic Expressiveness of Fonts, Nikolai Taranov

Artistic and Graphic Expressiveness of Fonts - online library

It is the first detailed review of the main types, terms and notions applied in the theoretical typography. The manual touches upon the relations of font and image in editions, applications of various fonts in book, magazine and banner design; peculiarities of text perception, unity of the form and content of an edition and stylistic unity of font and ornamentation. The historic evidences describe the font evolution from pictography to computer fonts; the notion of font picturesqueness; and illustrated examples provide the variants of font-image relations and factors which unite the elements in one unity.

The manual is meant for artists, students of polygraphic, art and pedagogical universities, students of art colleges, graphic artists and general reading public.

2000, 166 pages, illustrated

Nikolay Taranov is a participant of International Calligraphic Exhibition. Watch his works here.

Download book in .pdf (84 Mb)*

*All materials are given here only for acquaintance, all rights to them belong to their owners.

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