Matteo Grasso

Matteo Grasso

Matteo Grasso

Turin, Italy

Calligrapher, professional artist


- Diploma at Art Lyceum “Renato Cottini” Turin, Italy, in 2013

- 5 years attendance of Conservatory in Turin, Italy, in violin

- 5 years attendance of courses in calligraphy and lettering under the tutorage of Massimo Polello in Turin, Italy, and Kitty Sabatier in Toulouse

- Intensive course in Typography and Design in Toulouse , France, at Graphic University Axe Sud in 2014

Professional achievements:

-Guest to 7a Biennale Internazionale d’Arte Ferrara from 21th June to 15th December 2014

-2nd June 2014 Special Guest at the event “Artepubblica” at the Museum “Carcere le Nuove” in Turin as a live performer in an exhibition of calligraphy to rewrite the Italian Constitution .

-Winner of “The Best Use of Photography, Motion Graphic and Animation in 3D” in the “CREATE 24” contest at the DIGITAL FESTIVAL Turin, Italy, Campus L. Einaudi 15th-17th May 2014

-Winner of the contest of contemporary art “Tu sei qui” 2014 Udine, Italy.

-Co-director of a workshop on dreams in the Annual Convention of Turin Gestalt school. The project linked psychotherapy and artistic performance from 30th May to 1st June 2014

-Author of the appendix “ Research Through Images” to the book “ Essere creativi, una possibilità per tutti” published by Edizioni Creativa in March 2014.

-Co-author of a workshop of “Art and Gestalt Psychotherapy” from March 2014 in Turin, Italy

-Selected artist on the Website of Windsor and Newton

-Director and owner of an art studio in Turin, Italy, opened in January 2014 C/so Peschiera 315/A. Special courses of calligraphy for dyslexic and dysgraphic children

-Artistic performance at Pescara, Italy in August 2013. Special exhibition of painting using Lettering and Calligraphy on a rally car.


Study for “Song of Solomon”

Mixed technique on paper, 46х64.5cm , 2014

Mole Antonelliana

Ink on paper, 32.5х50cm , 2014
距开幕只剩 1664 days