Andrei Sannikov to tell about the origins of the Russian written language

The Pages of Old Times, dedicated to the Days of Slavic script to take place at the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy on May 20th. Slavic masters of calligraphy to hold their live presentations for all the visitors to the museum. Traditionally invited expert, Andrei Sannikov, a famous calligraphy teacher, calligrapher and Cand. Sc. {Philology} to tell interesting facts about the Russian Cyrillic cursive handwriting; he will make a historical excursion into its origins and demonstrate the art of working with birch bark. All guests to the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy will have a chance to participate in the workshop.

Masterpieces of Slavic calligraphy including paintings by Yuri Koverdyayev, Yevgeny Drobyazin, Artyom Lebedev, and many other famous artists will make the basis of the museum on this day.

Moreover, all those interested may enroll in the National School of Calligraphy on this day. As you know, the first ever graduation of the School of Calligraphy children’s group to take place on May 26th. The new classes for children along with adult groups to start again in September and October 2012.

Source: Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy

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