Oleg Yakhnin

Oleg Yakhnin

Oleg Yakhnin

St. Petersburg, Russia

Honoured Artist of Russia, a corresponding member of the Academy of Humanities, a professor, an author and manager of numerous art exhibitions.


In 1972 he graduated from the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. Since 1973 he has been a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

More than 79 books with the artist’s illustrations have been published. He has held 67 personal exhibitions and participated in more than 500 exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

He has state awards, prizes and diplomas awarded by : the Union of Artists of the USSR, the Union of Artists of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Academy of Arts. He is the winner of numerous contests of fine arts. He has been awarded with an Order of St. Alexander Nevsky of the first degree and the ‘Person of the Year-2008 St. Petersburg’ award.

Selected museum collections: The State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), the State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg), the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin (Moscow), the Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg), the Russian National Library, the Central Library in Boston (the USA, national museums in Germany, Great Britain, China, the USA, the Netherlands, as well as various private collections.



Paper, marker, 21x30cm, 2012.


Paper, marker, 21x30cm , 2012.

Don Quixote

Paper, etching, stamping, 13x18cm, 2008.

Record 1

Paper, marker, 21x30cm, 2012
距开幕只剩 1664 days