Write AiF fancy… and get a prize! First results ...

Looking at the letters sent by our readers we can say that most of them have a neat handwriting. Your beautiful handwriting can help you to win a special contest organized by the Argumenty i Fakty publishing house on celebration of its 30th anniversary. Take paints, pens, reeds and other writing things and write an “ARGUMENTY I FAKTY” inscription (“АРГУМЕНТЫ И ФАКТЫ” in Russian). You are to write these words creatively and originally, your writing should differ from the style we have been using for 30 years in our newspaper. The author of the most extraordinary and professional inscription will be awarded with a valuable prize and will display his work at the International Exhibition of Calligraphy in St. Petersburg, September 16 – 21, 2008.

Write AiF fancy… and get a prize!   First results ... First results ...
Write AiF fancy… and get a prize!   First results ... First results ...

Results of the contest will be published on September 10th in АiF
on sites: and

Please send your works to:

101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya, st. 42
with note:
“Write ′АiF′ fancy”.

The contest is officially announced in the Arguments and Facts newspaper

Download in .pdf

Source: Argumenty i Fakty newspaper

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