Hans Maierhofer’s article

Hans Maierhofer’s article

The International Exhibition of Calligraphy in St. Petersburg 

The largest calligraphy exhibition took place in St. Petersburg from 16th to 22nd of September. It presented the works of 72 calligraphers from all over the world. The reports and presentations familiarized visitors and exhibitors with the main principles of contemporary calligraphy.

The Director General of MVK International Exhibition Company and the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy, Mr. Alexey Shaburov invited all the guests to the event that took place in St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry. The exhibition displayed works by: Werner Schneider, Mari Emily Bohley, Jean Larcher, Katharina Pieper, Gunnlaugur SE Briem and Brody Neuenschwander. During the event, Andrea and Volker Wunderlich decorated the walls with samples of calligraphy and painting techniques. At the opening ceremony Hans Maierhofer showed that the violin on stage and a pencil in your hand can play the same music.

A whole week of sharing Asian, Islamic, Jewish and European calligraphy has become an event that would not be forgotten soon.

Hans Maierhofer.
For Ars scribende

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