The Museum of Calligraphy? Sounds interesting!

The utmost sceptics ever have visited the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy on November 3 – schoolchildren so weary of various tours in holiday period, aid receiving students from Preobrazhenets social centre autumn camp. Is there something that may amaze the teens who have visited far more than one museum in the last weeks? Yet from the very beginning they appeared captivated by the exhibits, expressing their opinions on what seemed special and sharing knowledge in the history of writing of various peoples.

As they walked from one exhibition section to another immersing into various cultural worlds, they changed from being silent under impression of the calligraphy artists' mastery to lively commenting. After the tour some of the visitors inquired how one could become a calligraphy artist today.

We are excited to see the art of calligraphy is able to amaze and inspire guests of all ages and interests!

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