The Last Stroke before the Opening

The Organizers’ Committee is busy with the latest preparations for the museum opening. The masterpieces from the masters of the world calligraphy are taking their places on snow-white walls of museum. The windows are being filled with exhibits.

The Last Stroke before the Opening Last discussions

The project initiator Alexey Shaburov personally decorated one of the white pavilion walls with black spots a la Jackson Pollock.

The Last Stroke before the Opening Alexey Shaburov

Besides, the project team watched some of the musical performances prepared for the official opening ceremony.

The Last Stroke before the Opening Children’s performance

We hope that due to calligraphic masterpieces and elegant atmosphere of this exquisite culture fest the visit to the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy will be an unforgettable event.

The Last Stroke before the Opening Project team

Photo report about the latest preparations.

Source: International Exhibition of Calligraphy

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