The Day of Slavic Easter Egg Took Place at the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy

On Sunday, exactly one week prior the celebration of the ancient Christian holiday of Easter, The Day of Slavic Easter egg supported by Ivanovo Folk Life Reserve took place at the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy. Magnificent exposition along with some workshops was organized within the bounds of the event. Painted Easter egg is an extant tradition to paint birds’ eggs with beeswax and dyes. Some 100 visitors to the museum took part in such workshops as: Painted Easter Eggs, Painted Healing Eggs, Painted Eggs: Spring Ritual, Painted Eggs: Wedding Ritual, Painted Eggs: Ritual Calendar.

The event sparked significant interest among all the visitors to the museum who proposed to hold such an event at the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy annually.

Source: Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy

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