Saturday workshops at International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Saturday, September 2, has seen a number of talks and workshops as a part of the 6th International Exhibition of Calligraphy. Dmitry Petrovskiy, script and calligraphy teacher in the Institute of Arts, philology faculty in Saint-Petersburg State University, member of the National Union of Calligraphers and participant of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy since its inception, read a lecture about the Western European writing from antiquity through to Renaissance titled Latin Writing from the Roman Capitals to the Renaissance Antiqua, which gathered a vast audience.

Barbara Galinska, an architect, calligraphy artist and member of the Calligraphy Society from Poland, held a practical Uncial workshop. Its participants learned the rules of one of the basic writing styles and tried their hand in working with flat nibs, felt-tip pens, parallel-pens and other tools.

The milestone event of the day was a lecture by Timothy Noad, UK, the official calligraphy artist of Her Majesty the Queen and top-notch expert, who shared the secrets of creating Royal charters and his knowledge in heraldry and illumination.

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