Omsk highschoolers to compete in calligraphy at the Slavic Letter festival

On Friday, May 22nd, the Slavic Letter festival is opening at the regional young naturalist facility (10, Dmitriyeva str.). High school students and their teachers will present Slavic toys, costumes, headwear, ornamental cut technique and many other things.

‘The main objective of this event is to encourage moral and spiritual education of talented children from all around the region,’ says the regional young naturalist facility director Natalia Rakhmatulina. The organizers say the programme of the festival will be very diverse. For example, there will be a literary and musical category dedicated to Mikhail Sholokhov’s 110th anniversary. Several groups of reciters will present their literary-musical compositions based on Sholokhov’s stories.

The Slavic ornamental calligraphy category participants will present wall compositions with the poems and song lyrics by Yevgeny Dolmatovsky. There will also be a presentation of decorative collections of aphorisms from Griboyedov’s comedy ‘Woe from Wit’ that are made using a calligraphic technique or watercolour.


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