Museum Birthday party

Celebrating your Birthday in a museum? Sounds strange… or does it?

The parents of Irina, a birthday girl, thought that turning her birthday party into an educational visit to the museum was just the recipe for an unforgettable experience. So last Saturday, November 19th, they invited Irina’s guests to the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy for a museum tour and a calligraphy workshop.

We’re pretty sure everyone enjoyed the tour during which they learned about the history or writing, saw the various writing instruments of different cultures and the calligraphy masterpieces from all around the world. But undoubtedly, the practical part was most fun: everyone got to try their hand at writing with ink and pointed pen, and as a result, Irina received a birthday card where every one of her guests put down a wish in the beautiful copperplate script. We hope such a souvenir will help Irina keep warm memories about that day for a long time.

Why don’t you come visit our museum, too? Whether you have a special cause or not, just drop in to enjoy some time in the peaceful atmosphere full of beautiful art. And for those who are thinking about a present for someone you know – a reminder that we have gift certificates for museum visiting and for the calligraphy courses at the National School of Calligraphy. Our Copybooks for aspiring calligraphers can also be a great gift idea!

We look forward to seeing you in the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy!

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