Multiple schools in Tver region teach calligraphy to 1st grade students through Presidential grant

The full title of the methodology employed to teach neat and correct writing of letters (and numbers) to the students who had only started their school last year, reads as follows: The Tools for Soft Adaptation of New Standard Educational Innovations for Mass Education.

Its key author and developer is Elena Suvorina, Director of a private supplementary education facility “Russkaya Shkola” and Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogics and Social Work in Tver State University. Her project designed to introduce an easy and simple, yet highly efficient method to teach penmanship, was highly appraised at the presidential grant contest last year.

“We were awarded with RUB 1.2 million to test this methodology in schools and publish two workbooks (“Calligraphy of Letters” and “Calligraphy of Numbers”)”, Elena commented. “To underpin it, we analysed students’ empirical experience and also relied on the concept created by Petr Galperin, an outstanding Soviet educational psychology scholar”.

According to Elena, the methodology enables every student to become an active and creative participant of the educational process.

Multiple schools in Tver region teach calligraphy to 1st grade students through Presidential grantMultiple schools in Tver region teach calligraphy to 1st grade students through Presidential grant


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