Kirill Tarkhanov's workshop: Calligraphy on the Silk Road – the Manichaean Writing

The 6th International Exhibition of Calligraphy held a unique workshop to feature the rare Manichaean writing, originating from the 3rd century. Its author is a skilful calligraphy artist, painter and founder of the Manichaeism, Mani (216-277). The Muslim tradition treats him as a founder of Persian painting. His name, Mani, translated as Living Mani from Syrian. He created two versions of his own original writing, ceremonial, which hasn't preserved, and cursive.

Kirill Tarkhanov, a passionate researcher of ancient texts, guided the participants through the history of lost civilizations and helped them write a message using the ancient language, while flower petal ink and reed ink made this journey to the remote past vivid and memorable.

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