From Pen to PC Exhibition at the Peter and Paul Fortress

On September 9th, at 04.00 pm, the former Machine Gun School at the St. John’s Ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress will see the opening of the From Pen to PC exhibition. It will be dedicated to the world history of writing and calculation, featuring: various writing utensils, calculating devices and related accessories. Moreover, the exhibition will present: a wide range of Russian and European steel quill pens; inkpots and ink bottles; ancient pen wiping devices; mechanic and electronic devices for arithmetic calculations; first PC prototypes; and a vast collection of Russian and foreign-made pencils.

Besides, you’ll have an opportunity to see books for the blind from different epochs as well as ancient writing systems; to study the history of various alphabets, Cyrillic writing.

Above all, the event will feature master-classes for children, competitions, entertaining training sessions aimed at basic calligraphic skills development.

The exhibition will be running through September 2014.

From Pen to PC Exhibition at the Peter and Paul Fortress From Pen to PC Exhibition at the Peter and Paul Fortress


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