Calligraphic painting exhibition to raise funds for children with cancer

Babak Rashvand will put a collection of his calligraphic paintings on display in an exhibition, which will open at Seyhun Gallery on Friday, to raise funds for children with cancer.

All the money raised from the event showcasing six large-sized tableaus will go to the Mahak Charity Society and the Behnam Daheshpur Charity Organization, both of which are dedicated to children with cancer, Rashvand told the Persian service of ISNA on Wednesday.

«I used to do painting and calligraphy separately, but in 1997, I decided to follow calligraphic paintings professionally. My father was a calligrapher and I learned calligraphy in its classic style but later concentrated on a modern style,» he added.

«I have also studied graphic designs and decided to make use of this art to create a new and different style in my works,» he said.

«Focusing on new and creative forms, I decided to leave the classic forms of letters in calligraphy and add colour and light to make a wide range of tonalities,» he explained.

The exhibit will be running until March 12th in the gallery which can be found at No. 11, 4th Alley, Vozara St.

Calligraphic painting exhibition to raise funds for children with cancer Light and Darkness


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