The International Exhibition of Calligraphy

I.E. Repin State Academic Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture will host the International Exhibition of Calligraphy from September 16th to September 21st.

The project’s goal is to revive the forgotten art of calligraphy in Russia, to make it widely available, and to create good conditions for its development.

The exhibition's subjects:

Organizing Committee:

  • Alexey Shaburov, President of Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre, project director;
  • Andrey Lapshin, General Director of Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre, business partner;
  • Kulanina Lyudmila, Counsellor of Alexey Shaburov;
  • Sergey Smirnov, press secretary of the project;
  • Elena Isaeva, project coordinator;
  • Elena Kozlova, project's business program manager;
  • and others.

Source: Rossiyskoe Obrazovanie, Federal educational portal

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