The Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy celebrates its 1st anniversary

The Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy has celebrated today its 1st anniversary.

The calligraphers from Russia, China and Korea opened the official ceremony, gave master classes accompanied with the music of Beethoven and Schubert, and then a world famous chef d’oeuvre of sacred calligraphy Mezuzah, executed by a renowned Israeli calligrapher Avraham Borshevsky was exclusively presented to the audience.

The artwork of Borshevsky has become a one-of-a-kind chef d’oeuvre of sacred calligraphy listed in the Guinness Book of Records 2009 as the largest Mezuzah ever written in the world.
A mezuzah is a sacred scroll of parchment, inscribed with two excerpts from the Pentateuch, traditionally contained in a decorative case and affixed to the doorframe in every Jewish home.

Alexey Shaburov, Director of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy announced that the World Famous Mezuzah has been presented today and will be opened to the public eye at the largest calligraphy exhibition that kicks off in Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre on October 14th.

A total of 100 works of the masters from 33 countries are to be presented at the exhibition.

One of the main events of a celebration has become a draft of a handwritten copy of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, created by a Russian calligrapher Yevgeny Drobyazin and decorated by an illustrator Barbara Calzolari. Silvio Berlusconi presented this handwritten copy of the Anthem to Dmitry Medvedev at the G8 summit this summer in July.

Alexey Shaburov mentioned that the handwritten copy of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation and other works by Yevgeny Drobyazin will be presented at the exhibition in October, featuring the one and only handwritten copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, exquisite samples of Slavic and European writing, subtle inscriptions of the Jewish, Arab, Chinese and Japanese calligraphy, and also writing utensils of the past and present.

ITAR-TASS, The Information Telegraph Agency of Russia

Source: Kultura (Culture) TV-channel

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