Ivan Velanskij

Ivan Velanskij 

Ivan is a student of the Department of Easel and Book Graphics of St.Petersburg State Academy of Decorative and Applied Art and Design.

Cognition of writing.

 We write, expound, testify… What we have written is always a donation to us because writing is wonderful and surprising in itself.

Writing is transcendent and biased, available and luxurious at once. It depends on how long you have followed that road. The writing person testifies both to himself/herself and to his/her testimony.

The purity of writing is the purity of what is written from the external imitative form. The process/movement of writing is liberation from external movement. Writing is not ornamental; the external beauty in it is not a goal in itself and should sometimes be banished at all. It’s a pity when writing is emasculated or destroyed by heaps of decorations. At that time, it does not speak but mumbles or whistles – mostly about itself; and it is of little use for cognition.



 Self-cognition of a writer.

Writing helps the person learn those of his/her qualities that are usually hidden. It enables him to virtually hold the transcendent — a fountain pen or a brush from which writing comes, and to learn that he/she is near that writing. 






Inna Let me down!
Maria Scroll-full
Wall Fortune
Search for changes Spring
Yes Guitar-low
European Letters Composition Bokkerini
Ivan Velanskij Letter A
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