Practical graphology

Practical graphology

Graphology which has not been widely spread is gaining recent popularity. There are very few professional graphologists. The existing scientific and popular-scientific books on graphology provide the opportunities for everyone interested in the discipline to learn something new. Graphology is especially valuable for its possible practical application.

The first thing to be considered is that separate writing elements can not reveal the personality, but  the personal handwriting features taken in bulk can. We likewise do not evaluate a person on the assumption of one separately taken trait of character. A stranger’s annoyance can be provoked by numerous factors: tiredness, for instance.  The same with graphology.

Graphology has worked out some universal recommendations for evaluating a person through his handwriting. However, knowing the regulations does not imply being a specialist: a professional graphologist must also be good at psychology, biology and psychiatry. Nevertheless, the practical graphological recommendations will improve people’s knowledge about themselves and their surrounding. Modern graphological software is capable of analyzing the data basing on the samples of handwriting, and still profound graphological analysis is impossible without human involvement.

Often we do not have any other handwriting samples except for one’s signature which is even more common at the age of high technologies. Studying the handwriting peculiarities we recommend that you started with analyzing the signatures of your family and friends. Thus, you will be able to compare the results of your graphological studies with your own knowledge about the people.

The signature directing “upwards” usually implies its master is an optimist; and the signature dropping “downwards” usually is characteristic for pessimists. Whereas, an even signature indicates a well-balanced person. The same with plain and “shaky” handwriting which stand for reserved and emotional characters accordingly. A person with symmetrical horizontal signature is most likely smooth-tempered and calm, and the one using figures in his signature is said to be mistrustful and suspicious.

A short handwriting implies one has quick reaction and is impulsive. Whereas, a long signature characterizes a person as serious and thoughtful.

Letters sloping reflects the traits of character. A fair clerkly handwriting most likely belongs to a harmonious personality. Plain upright letters characterize a person as phlegmatic, strict and reserved. The signature sloping to the right stands for well-balanced character; however a too sharp incline to the right implies existence of some hypertrophic  traits in a person’s character. The signature sloping to the left suggests certain extent of frustration and dissatisfaction. And random slope of lettering implies a changeable sort of person.

Curly signature indicates loyalty, ability to adapt oneself to the changing life circumstances; and intensive lettering implies self-assurance. It is interesting that there is a direct connection between the changes in a person’s character and his signature and vice versa. Foreign letters used in a signature indicate a person is in to foreign culture or is independent in his opinions and ideas.

One person having several signature variants is inventive in relations with other people: he changes his behavior depending on a person he communicates with. A signature with a dot is rare but indicates that a person never does the things by halves.  A wide signature is characteristic for multifunctional workers, and a compact one indicates a narrowly-focused specialist. A greedy man is likely to have the letters in his signature too close to each other.

A “loop” in one’s signature implies a person is reserved and suspicious.

The list of characteristic signature features in the article is not full but basic.

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