Signatures of cultural figures

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Renata Muratovna Litvinova

Born in 1967.

Russian actress, director, scriptwriter and TV presenter. Honored Actress of the Russian Federation (2003). Winner of Kinotavr award (2006) for best woman performance.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky

Born in 1944.

Orientalist, son of Academician B.B. Piotrovsky. Since 1992 – director of State Hermitage. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Deputy Chairman of the Council for Culture of the President of the Russian Federation, professor of the St. Petersburg State University, Chairman of the Union of Museums of Russia, Chairman of the World Club of Petersburgers, President of Alliance Francaise of St. Petersburg, Chairman of the Supervising Council of the European University in St. Petersburg, corresponding member of the German Archeological Institute, editor-in-chief of Christian Orient magazine.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Tikhonov

Born in 1928.

Soviet and Russian theater and movie actor. His filmography includes over 40 characters during the 60-year career. His most famous character is still Isayev-Schtirlitz from the series Seventeen Moments of Spring by Tatyana Lioznova. People’s Artist of the USSR (1974).

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich


Outstanding, world-known Russian cellist and conductor. He is well-known not only as a musician, but as a public figure, defender of human rights and spiritual freedom. His name is included into the list of “Forty Immortals” – honorable members of the French Academy of Arts. He is an honorable doctor of more than 50 universities in various countries. People’s Artist of the USSR (1966). Holder of 5 Grammy awards.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Yevstigneyev


Theater and movie actor, he played 55 roles in theater and 104 movie characters. He was one of founders Moscow's Sovremennik theater where he then worked for many years. Since 1970 he was an actor of the Moscow Art Theater. Winner of the USSR State Prize (1974), People’s Artist of the USSR (1983).

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya

Born in 1925.

Soviet and Russian ballet artist, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. Her creative career ended at the age of 65. Since 1994 she is the chairman of annual ballet contests named Maya. Married to Rodion Shchedrin. People’s Artist of the USSR (1959). She is awarded with the Order “For Merits to the Fatherland” of 1st degree.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava


Famous singer-songwriter, Soviet and Russian poet, composer, prose writer and scriptwriter. Author of about two hundred songs written for own poetry, one of the most prominent representatives of the art song genre in 1950-1980. Member of the USSR Writers’ Union (1962). Winner of the Booker Prize (1994) for autobiographical novel “Abolished Novel”. Winner of the USSR State Prize (1991).

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin


Soviet and Russian theater and movie actor, greatest comedian, unsurpassed master of clowning and grotesque. He participated in best home comedies playing main characters in most of them. He worked a lot in cartoon dubbing. People’s Artist of the USSR.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov

Born in 1917.

Russian director, actor and teacher, founder of the Taganka Moscow Drama and Comedy Theater. Length of work – 76 years. People’s Artist of Russia (1992). He is awarded with the Order “For Merits to the Fatherland” of 2nd degree (2007).

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Greta Garbo


Swedish and American movie actress, one of the greatest world movie stars, the most popular actress of the first half of the XXth century. She won the Academy Award in 1954 “for outstanding contribution into development of motion-picture art”. She is in the fifth place in the rating of movie legends of the American Motion Picture Institute and in the eighth place in the list of the greatest all-time movie stars according to Premiere magazine.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Lyubov Petrovna Orlova


Famous Soviet actress, idol of Soviet audience in 1930-1950. Volga-Volga with her participation was the favorite movie of Joseph Stalin. She won two Stalin Prizes (1941, 1950). People’s Artist of the USSR (1950).

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Marlene Dietrich


German and American movie actress and singer. In the beginning of her career she was often called “German Greta Garbo” by critics. During the Great Patriotic War, in the team of front-line artists, she performed in front of American soldiers in European fronts. She was awarded with the Legion of Honor (1950). One of the most outstanding actresses of the XXth century. She is an author of repeatedly republished memoirs.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Faina Georgiyevna Ranevskaya


Outstanding Soviet theater and movie actress. She took part in cartoon dubbing. People’s Artist of the USSR (1961). In 1992 the editorial council of English Who Is Who encyclopedia included her into tem most outstanding actresses of the XXth century.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Anna Matveyevna Pavlova


legendary ballet dancer, her name is a synonym of classical dance. Composer Igor Stravinsky called her work “unsolved and charming secret”. Since 1908 Pavlova performed abroad, since she participated in Russian Seasons in Paris, in 1910 she collected her own team and toured with it in many countries of the world.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Isadora Duncan


Legendary American actress and dancer opposing the classical ballet school with free plastic dance. She used ancient Greek plastique, tunic instead of ballet outfits, she did not use shoes. In 1921-1924 she lived in Russia; in 1921 she organized a workshop in Moscow which existed as long as 1949. She was married to poet Sergei Yesenin.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavsky


Russian theater director, actor and teacher. In 1898, together with Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, he founded the Moscow Art Theater. He developed the famous actor craft system which is still the basis for modern actors both in Russia and abroad. People\s Artist of the USSR (1936).

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Auguste Rodin


Famous French sculptor, one of founders of impressionism in sculpture. Be the beginning of the XXth century he was a very famous sculpture, and the French government provided the sculptor with a whole exhibition hall at the 1900 World Exhibition held in Paris. He bequeathed his works to the French people.

Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy
Signature samples - International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Marius Ivanovich Petipa


Russian theater figure and teacher of French origin, ballet artist and choreographer. He came to Russia in 1847 under invitation of the Russia authorities, after that for a long time he worked as an artist and teacher, since 1862 he worked as a choreographer, from 1869 to 1903 he was a chief choreographer.

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