Signature: new trends


Signature reflects human personality, it is a way of self-expression. In the century of computer technologies new trends and signature are deeply connected. Signature evolves according to new trends but still continue to exist as a category. 

Electronic digital signature, for instance, may be used as an analogue of one’s own hand-writing signature. It’s known to be a sequence of symbols resulted due to cryptography evolution of electronic data. Added to a piece of information it allows the receiver to check the source and reliability of data in order to avoid falsification.
We face digital signatures every day. These are signatures to e-mails work and private. Depending on aims such signatures have various information. Firstly, it can, for example, be company’s name, status, work phones and fax: naturally all this data is in very classic style. Secondly, it can be first name or neutral wish-farewell. Thirdly, the same signature can be used in business and private life. It is created with mail-clients (Outlook Express, the Bat!), as well as with Web-interface of mail servers. Signature created will be saved and automatically added to all messages saving sender’s time. It can always be edited when needed.
Often on forums  when talking with friends, colleagues, like-minding persons  many Internet-users start to employ as their signatures different quotations, aphorisms or even anecdotes!
People implementing userbars as signatures are not a rare thing. Userbar is horizontal strokes reflecting interests, tastes, hobbies. Subject can be different: food and drinks, cell telephony, computer games … The number of strokes is unlimited, however, administration of the forum  regulates it .
Electronic signature, no doubt, can serve as promotion. Placing, a HTML link on your site in the signature, helps to account number of visitors on this site. Another case is when rules of the forum prohibit to place ads in signatures of the users.

Signatures are quite diverse in forms and variants .

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