Electronic library

Lately electronic libraries have become very popular among Internet-users. Firstly, due to the IT development, with Internet introducing, with rising of literacy rate. 

Let us look at electronic libraries more precise in order to understand their structure. Electronic library– is an established collection of various electronic documents with navigation devices. It can be like Internet site which collects different books, texts and media-files, connected with the subject of electronic editions. They can be audio-books, for instance.

Electronic libraries are divided into two types: universal and narrow-specialized. On-line libraries include books of scientific-education subject, essential for education process.

As a rule virtual libraries don’t provide an option of intra-communication between users.

Speaking on book formats they are divided into two categories – for i-reading and for downloading on cell phones or computer. First category is of HTML and TXT format. Formats of the second category are more diverse – archive TXT, RTF, PDF, DjVu, and some others.

Emergence of e-libraries was a logic consequence of IT development. Convenient transportation, reduce in time-search, wide range of editions on the interested subject, information on novelties that is not full list of advantages of e-libraries.  

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